International Commission on the Taxonomy of Fungi

Meeting Notes, open meeting, 15 August 2024, 8:00-9:00 am, Brussels 0.4 room

International Mycological Congress, Maastricht, Netherlands

M.C. Aime

President Schoch began by enumerating the various working groups and their progress:

Classification (not complete)

List of protected families and genera (not complete)

Typification of older names, led by Konstanze: paper in prep.

Naming of eDNA sequences

Living cultures as typesData standards for genomes, led by Conrad: not complete but will continue to lead

ICTF media, led by Irina: new webpage

ICTF statutes, led by Tom May: completed

      The floor was then opened for suggestions on new WGs/activities.

      • Tom May spoke about a role for the ICTF in generating names for protection.  Protection is stronger than conservation (protection covers names even if an older name is found later).  Suggestion to take lists of groups with good names and consider locking those in with protection.  These lists could also be used to lock in names that were improperly typified.  David Hawksworth noted that we should really be doing this for genera.
      • It was suggested that we work to have a recommendation added to the code that recommends that DNA sequences be part of a species description.
      • Alona Byketova suggestion the creation of a WG for boletes.
      • A suggestion was made that ICTF provide funds for WGs to meet in person once a year.  This would ensure much more activity and coordination amongst the groups, but since ICTF is not revenue-generating, how to do this is not clear.
      • A suggestion was made that a WG be created that supports IDs for applied sciences.  The idea is to translate current taxonomy to the non-taxonomist, and/or provide a clearinghouse for authentication.

      ICTF Members Meeting – February 9, 2024

      ICTF meeting 2024

      Meeting Agenda

      IMC workshops & symposia


      Tuesday, August 13, 2024, 08:00 – 09:30 (90 min), Hall 3

      Possible participants (schedule to come)

      • introduction and background – Cathie Aime
      • How to avoid most common pitfalls and stay in compliance with the Code – Tom May
      • Dealing with specimen data and the extended specimen concept – Andy Miller
      • Name registration and an overview on identifiers – Konstanze Bensch
      • Best practices to submit data to the public sequence databases -Conrad Schoch
      • Tatiana Gibertoni
      • Marco Thines


      Wednesday, August 14, 2024, 10:30 – 12:30 (120 min)

      Chairs: Mary Catherine Aime, USA Conrad Schoch, USA

      Four invited speakers (20 minutes each):

      • Oomycota (Marco Thines, confirmed
      • Single cell genomes (Tim James, confirmed)
      • Evolutionary history of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and genomic signatures of obligate symbiosis (Marisol Sanchez-Garcia, confirmed)

      Working on fourth invitee

      Will select Four more 10 minutes talks selected from abstracts


      Monday, August 12, 2024, 16:00 – 18:00 (120 min)

      Chairs: Marco Thines, Germany, Robert Lücking, Germany

      1. Background on current efforts
      2. Naming conventions
      3. Minimum standards – DNA markers vs DNA bulk samples & Data analyses


      Chairs: Urmas Kõljalg, Estonia, Julia Pawlowska, Poland

      Monday, August 12, 2024, 11:00 – 13:00 (120 min)

      Need to clarify program and final speakers

      Other issues arising: The Thiele et al. proposal at IBC suggest that sequence-typified names should only be published in certain journals. Suggested ICTF could discuss this for early recommendations?

      Other actions at IMC

      ICTF open session

      Membership renewal

      Actions to complete before IMC at next meeting in June

      Working Groups conclude work and provide final report

      Review subcomissions, IUMS Commissions

      Shut down old website

      Vote on updated Statutes

      Clarify new members appointments and transition in executive

      ICTF Members’ meeting minutes June 28, 2023

      ICTF WG1 General purpose classification

      Currently the NCBI taxonomy and other classifications available are being compared and evaluated in the light of recent phylogenetic and phylogenomic results. Once this is done, a first suggestion for an order-level classification of the fungi and fungus-like eukaryotes will be discussed by the group, starting from September. A manuscript draft should be ready for submission by the end of the year.

      ICTF WG2 Lists of protected family and generic names
      Convener: Nalin

      There are still different opinions regarding scope
      Compiled table of protected names from the code were circulated among the members
      Compared the names against the proposed names of ‘protected’ in the publications in last decade
      WG2 members concluded that it is not useful to prepare the list again and publish it as it is already in the appendix of the code.

      Preparing accepted genera list and compiling Typification data
      • Still under discussion
      Validating invalid and illegitimate names
      • Details to be provided
      Planned outcomes and their tentative deadline
      • Plan to submit the first paper on validated names this year
      • Further discussion on preparing the list of accepted genera in specific groups such as fungal orders or families

      ICTF WG3 Typification of older names
      Convener: Konstanze

      Draft and the intention of the paper discussed at group meeting in February
      David, Danny and Konstanze met after the Westerdijk spring symposium in April and compiled a more structured draft after input from Amy and others
      Work continues on examples and an introduction for the paper

      ICTF WG4 Naming environmental sequences
      Conveners: Marco & Robert

      Paper on sequences as types published by Special-purpose Committee established by the Shenzhen IBC across all organisms doi: 10.1002/tax.12931
      Work continue by SPC focused on Fungi, chaired by David Hiibbett and Carlos Zamora – opportunities to interact
      Session for IMC 12 in The Netherlands, 2024
      The possibility of using DOIs for designating taxa and all different kinds of information such as typification was discussed. It was concluded that DOIs might be a useful addition, but the matter needs further discussion.

      ICTF WG5 Revising rules regarding living cultures as types
      Convener: Andrey – Presenter Cobus

      Potential manuscript is still “in progress”
      Proposal of a concept at the last Westerdijk Spring Symposium
      Presentation made at International Conference on Culture Collections

      ICTF WG6 Data standards for genomes
      Conveners: Conrad & Cai

      Outline of a paper provided in February and updated version sent out on Monday
      Paper must be close to submission by next meeting

      ICTF WG7 ICTF Media
      Convener: Irina

      ICTF website avaialble–
      Work still required to close old site

      ICTF WG8 Revising Statutes
      Convener: Tom

      Draft comments on statutes in googledocs:
      Vote planned on changes at next ICTF meeting or IMC12.
      Group meeting to prepare final draft planned for September 6

      Status of subcommissions

      Updates to be provided annually
      International Subcommission on Fusarium Taxonomy
      After initial discussions with ICTF emails asking for updates were not followed up and this subcommission at ICTF should be concluded.

      Kew updates on Index Fungorum, potential prize for young mycologists

      Irina points out that the Index Fungorum needs more support for the years to come, currently it is mainly dependent on Paul Kirk to keep it up and running.

      Promoting the citations of ABS and other permit numbers in mycological papers

      This can be used to link data materials to permits, and look in detail at use.
      While it was recognized that the topic is important, currently no WG will be constituted for this.
      • IMC 2024 and items on other meetings
      • Next meeting dates and other business