ICTF General Meeting at the 9th IMC9

International Commission on the Taxonomy of Fungi (ICTF) General Meeting at the 9th International Mycological Congress (IMC9), Edinburgh, Scotland, 2nd August 2010, 2 PM

Members in attendance:

Keith Seifert (Chair, Canada)
Gen Okada (Secretary, Japan)
Pedro Crous (Netherlands; President, IMA)
José Carmine Dianese (Brazil)
David Hawksworth (Spain, past chair)
David Hibbett (United States)
Peter Johnston (New Zealand)
Robert Samson (Netherlands; Secretary General, IUMS)
Michael Wingfield (South Africa)

Members of Subcommissions in attendance:

Brett Summerell (Australia, Fusarium SC)
Ulf Thrane (Denmark, Fusarium SC)

Apologies from:

Gaddam Bagyanarayana (India)
Irina Druzhinina (Austria)
David Geiser (United States)
Tom May (Australia)
Amy Rossman (United States)
Frederick Speigel (United States)

The meeting consisted of 1) a public presentation of ICTF activities from the past four years by the Chair, Keith Seifert, and 2) a closed meeting of Commission members to discuss the future of the Commission.


The officers and members of the ICTF were introduced to the audience. The structure of the ICTF, and its status as a COMCOF of the IUMS and a Commission of the IMA were reviewed. The current website (https://www.fungaltaxonomy.org/?page_id=1) was reviewed, which consists mostly of the Statutes and a list of Commission members.

The chair summarized the characteristics and activities of the taxon-specific Subcommissions (SC) and a new Working group (WG), as presented to the IUMS in their biennial request for reports from COMCOFs. This summary is repeated here as presented in the original report, adding some new activities of the commission:

Fusarium SC – (chair: David Geiser). This group also works under the auspices of the International Society of Plant Pathology Commission on Fusarium, and holds meetings prior to the International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP). The EF1-alpha DNA sequence database created by David Geiser with much data from Kerry O’Donnell was augmented with an RPB2 database to enable identification of Fusarium strains from a curated, barcode-like database, and was moved to a new web platform at http://isolate.fusariumdb.org/index.php. The list of current names of Fusarium continues to be available at http://www.cbs.knaw.nl/databases/fusarium/database.aspx, but has been integrated in the MycoBank database (http://www.mycobank.org/) and is maintained at that site. The Fusarium SC group met at the 10th International Fusarium Workshop (Alghero, Italy, August 2008) after the Torino, Italy ICPP. Discussions were initiated to organize a specialist workshop on Fusarium taxonomy and molecular phylogenetics, to discuss a community oriented approach to solving some of the more pressing issues in this genus. The next meeting is planned for the ICPP in China in 2013, and the organization of the workshop is already underway by Ulf Thrane, the chair of the ISPP Fusarium Subject Matter Committee.

Trichoderma SC(ISTH)– (chair: Irina Druzhinina). The barcode identification system, TrichoKey2, continues to be maintained on the subcommission website, http://www.isth.info/. This website also has extensive literature and additional information on Trichoderma and its sexual states, Hypocrea. This group has been active in developing and publishing collaborative, polyphasic projects such as the special issue of Studies in Mycology no. 56 (2006). They are also active in organizing and making presentations at international meetings. The next meeting on Trichoderma in agriculture will be held in Haifa, Israel, in October 2010.

International Commission on Penicillium and Aspergillus (ICPA) – (chair: Robert Samson). This commission reports separately to the IUMS, but the chair also sits on the ICTF. This Commission organized an international workshop on “Aspergillus systematics in the genomic era” in April 2007, and published the proceeding as Studies in Mycology no. 59 (2007). This Commission has been very active at IUMS meetings, and organized a session on “Advances in molecular phylogenetics/systematics of Penicillium and Aspergillus species” at the 2008 Istanbul Congress, and plans a session at the 2011 Sapporo Congress. Their website is maintained at http://www.aspergilluspenicillium.org/.

Ceratocystis/Ophiostoma SC – (co-chairs: Keith Seifert, Michael Wingfield). A three day pre-congress symposium attended by 45 people was organized for IMC8 in Cairns, Australia. The editing of these proceedings is continuing, but has been much delayed. Establishment of a permanent commission remains on hold, because many potential members do not yet have permanent jobs.

Mycosphaerella SC– (chair: Pedro Crous). This subcommission is not yet formalized, and is mostly centred around CBS and its collaborators. A one day symposium on Cercospora beticola was held at the American Phytopathological Society/Canadian Plant Pathological Society/Mycological Society of America meeting in Quebec City in August 2006. There will be a specialist workshop on Mycosphaerella in Australia in April 2011, which Pedro Crous is involved in organizing.

Fungal Barcoding WG (FunBOL) – This subcommission is a shared committee with the Consortium for the Barcode of Life (CBOL, Smithsonian, USA; http://www.barcoding.si.edu/). Originally organized by Keith Seifert, Pedro Crous and John Taylor at the invitation of CBOL, it is now chaired by Conrad Schoch (GenBank, USA). Membership and terms of reference have yet to be established, but the group is expected to be active in initiating the official recognition of DNA barcode markers for fungi, lobbying for the inclusion of fungi in barcoding projects, and developing large scale fungal barcoding projects.

In addition to the activities of the subcommissions and working groups, the chair reported the following activities.

How to Describe a Fungal Species – A draft document presenting the procedures necessary to effectively describe a fungal species was written by Keith Seifert and circulated to the rest of the commission for comment. The paper is intended for students or non-taxonomists who may find that they need to describe new species as part of their work. It will be published on the Commission website and also published in the journal IMA Fungus following an invitation by Prof. Hawksworth (Editor-in Chief).

IUMS Congress in Istanbul in 2008 – The ICTF organized a symposium on “Taxonomic developments in economically important fungal genera” at the IUMS Congress in Istanbul. Robert Samson was the principal organizer, with some support from Irina Druzhinina in the preliminary organization.


Prior to this meeting, the executive committee announced its resignation effective at the end of the General Meeting at IMC 9. In accordance with the ICTF statutes, they called for an election of a new executive. Although some nominations were proposed, none of the nominees accepted the invitation to stand for election, and the ICTF entered its general meeting without an elected chair or secretary to assume the business of the commission.
The chair reviewed the status of the executive with the public audience, stating that without an executive, the Commission was in a state of crisis. It was noted that the ICTF is not well known amongst mycologists, despite its mandate from both the IUMS and IMA. Some mycologists who are aware of the ICTF consider it to be a self-appointed body, with no democratic legitimacy to represent taxonomic mycology. The chair reviewed the membership provisions from the statutes, which state that new members are invited by the sitting commission. Although the commission had been organized based on a global representation and a broad coverage of taxonomic groups, the present commission is still under-representing the constituencies. Namely, there is a noticeable bias towards ascomycete specialists and a considerable gender imbalance in the members. As with most international bodies relying on volunteers, the ICTF has suffered from having members who are senior scientists with many other responsibilities, who have not had enough time to devote to the commission activities. Younger mycologists who might have a vested interest in participating in such a commission either lack stable employment, lack the financial resources to participate, or may not have a sufficiently high profile to be invited to join the commission.
The mandate of the commission is unclear even to most of its members. The statutes state that the aim is promote improvements in all aspects of fungal systematics. While most understand the need to promote taxonomy within mycology, and to other scientists beyond mycology, the mechanisms for this were not clear to the present commission.
Although the ICTF considers one of its prime functions to oversee Subcommissions or working groups, there is no requirement for ad hoc working groups to report to anyone but themselves, and there is little apparent benefit to reporting to the ICTF. Because the ICTF has no budget, there is also no financial benefit to working groups to becoming subcommissions. The statutes lack guidelines for interested parties to propose new subcommissions; a question from the audience made it clear that scientists outside the normal ICTF network might be interested in initiating new subcommissions with the guidance and support of the ICTF.
During this four year period, unsuccessful attempts were initiated to form subcommissions on Colletotrichum and Stachybotrys. Peter Johnston was able to participate in the formation of an informal working group on Colletotrichum, but the group saw no benefit in being recognized as a subcommission. Keith Seifert abandoned the idea of a Stachybotrys subcommission because it was clear that most of the active workers were graduate students or post docs who could not afford to expend energy on such a subcommission.
When the current executive assumed its responsibilities at IMC7 in Oslo, the chair made a decision to deemphasize a focus on nomenclatural matters. Comments from the audience at the meeting, which proceeded the open nomenclatural discussion later in the week, often focused on proposed roles for the ICTF in nomenclatural issues. Scott Redhead (AAFC, Canada) suggested that the ICTF could be active in developing subcommissions that could develop consensive nomenclature for specific taxonomic groups; there was some discussion about the “Names in Current Use in the Trichocomaceae” project initiated by ICPA, and granted special status in the preamble to the Tokyo Code. Mike Wingfield felt that problems with the Botanical Code were pressing issues for mycologists, and that the ICTF could take a lead in resolving these problems, perhaps even initiating the drafting of a Mycological Code.
The chair noted that while there was considerable pressure from the IUMS to have an active subcommission, there was little support or awareness for the ICTF from the IMA. The situation is troubling because the principal officers of both societies are themselves members of the ICTF. The Secretary General of the IUMS, Rob Samson, stated that the ICTF could have a positive influence on microbiologists, by presenting information on changes of names and refinement of species concepts, which would help to make fungal taxonomy visible to applied scientists. Keith Seifert responded that it was important to find members of the IUMS who wanted to contribute to the ICTF, so that the Commission could be more responsive to that society.

After comments were received from the audience, the discussion on the future of the ICTF continued in camera, with only members of the commission and its subcommissions present. The summary of this discussion is not included in the published version of these minutes.

Action items

As a result of the in camera discussions, four action items were agreed:

1. The minutes of the public and closed meetings would be prepared by Keith Seifert and Gen Okada and circulated to the present ICTF members.

2. Keith Seifert would initiate a review of the existing statutes and suggest revisions that would improve the democratic processes of selecting membership, and clarify the procedures for initiating new subcommissions.

3. David Hawksworth agreed to prepare a summary of ideas for possible rejuvenation of the Commission, suggesting possible programmes of work that would increase the relevance of the Commission and possibly attract a more active membership.

4. The CBS Fungal Biodiversity Centre offered to organize a symposium in April 2011 with the topic “One fungus: One name” to be sponsored nominally by the ICTF. If action items 2 and 3 were successful, the symposium would be used to relaunch the ICTF with a new executive and new membership. The members of the ICTF present at IMC9 voted unanimously to accept this invitation from CBS.

Keith Seifert and Gen Okada agreed to remain as an acting executive until 31 Dec. 2010, to facilitate the completion of action items 2 and 3, and any transition to a new executive in item 4.

ICTF meeting at the General Meeting at ICM8, Cairns, Australia

International Commission on the Taxonomy of Fungi (ICTF)


Keith Seifert (Chair, Canada)
Gen Okada (Secretary, Japan)
Gaddam Bagyanarayana (India)
Pedro Crous (Netherlands, President, Int. Mycol. Assoc.)
José Carmine Dianese (Brazil)
Irina Druzhinina (TrichodermaSC, Austria)
David Geiser (Fusarium SC, United States)
David Hawksworth (Spain)
David Hibbett (United States)
Peter Johnston (New Zealand)
Tom May (Australia)
Amy Rossman (United States)
Robert Samson (Penicillium/Aspergillus C (ICPA), Sec. Gen. IUMS, Netherlands)
Frederick Spiegel (United States)
Michael Wingfield (South Africa)

General Meeting at ICM8, Cairns, Australia,

24 August 2006, 8 AM

Preamble: The International Commission for the Taxonomy of Fungi (ICTF) is a joint Commission of the Mycology Division of the International Union of Microbiological Societies (IUMS) and of the International Mycological Association (IMA; Section for General Mycology of the International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS)), where the IUMS and IUBS are the primary biological components of the International Council for Sciences (ICSU). ICTF has a website on the IUMS site (www.iums.org/ICTF/index.htm), including the statutes and membership list, and is developing a more extensive site at www.fungaltaxonomy.org

The ICTF held its general meeting at the 8th International Mycological Congress at Cairns, Australia, 24 August 2006. The meeting was open and was attended by eight members of the commission, and about fifteen observers, three of whom were subsequently elected to join the commission. ICTF statutes require an election following the resignation of officers, or if there is a call for an election of officers from the membership. There has been no call for an election, and Keith Seifert and Gen Okada will continue to serve as the officers of this commission until the next IMC.

Reports of Subcommissions (SC) / Working Groups (WG):

Fusarium SC – (chair: David Geiser). This group also works under the auspices of the International Society of Plant Pathology Commission on Fusarium, and holds meetings prior to the International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP). Their major activity has been the development of an EF1-alpha DNA sequence database to identify Fusarium at fusarium.cbio.psu.edu. There is also a list of current names of Fusarium at www.cbs.knaw.nl. The group met at the 9th International Fusarium Workshop (Sydney, January 2003) prior to the Christchurch, NZ ICPP and plans to meet, probably in conjunction with a European Fusarium seminar, in Italy prior to the Turin ICPP.

Trichoderma SC – (ISTH: chair: Irina Druzhinina). A sequence identification system called TrichoKey2 is ready for final release at http://www.isth.info. The website also has literature on Trichoderma. The group held several meetings over the past few years, e.g. in Austria, China, and members have published some monographs to parts of the genus (e.g., Stud. Mycol 48, 2003).

International Commission on Penicillium and Aspergillus (ICPA) – (chair: Robert Samson). This commission reports separately to the IUMS, but the chair sits on the ICTF. This group sponsored a session at the IUMS meeting in San Francisco in 2005 and plans a session on Aspergillus at the next IUMS meeting, and specialized Aspergillus workshop is being held at the CBS Fungal Biodiversity Centre in April 2007. Several genomes have been sequenced, with the members of the commission consulted on the selection of species and strains.

Ceratocystis/Ophiostoma SC – (co-chairs: Keith Seifert and Michael Wingfield).

A three day pre-congress symposium attended by 45 people was organized for IMC8 in Cairns, Australia. Establishment of a permanent commission remains on hold, because many potential members do not yet have permanent jobs.

Mycosphaerella SC– (chair: Pedro Crous). This subcommission is not yet formalized, and is mostly centred around CBS and its collaborators. A one day symposium on Cercospora beticola was held at the APS meeting in Quebec City in August 2006. A pre-congress meeting to the next ICPP in Italy in 2008 on Mycosphaerella is planned and is being organized by Bruce MacDonald.

PhomopsisSC– (chair: Amy Rossman.). No responses were received to an announcement about the formation of this working group, and it is unlikely to form.

Potential additional subcommissions:

The establishment of several additional subcommissions has been discussed, and various members of the ICTF are now trying to assemble them: Rust fungi (Amy Rossman), Stachybotrys (Keith Seifert), Colletotrichum (Peter Johnston).

Other activities:

Code of Good Taxonomic Practice – A code was developed about 15 years ago by the ICTF, and published in several journals but it is now very out of date. David Hawksworth and Pedro Crous plan to draft a code for circulation to the rest of the commission, eventually to be put on the web, and be reviewed annually. Editors of journals would be urged to accept and endorse the Code. Concepts could be adapted from Crous principles of good culturing (Mycol. Res. 106: 1378–1379) and the Agerer et al.’s letter on the importance of vouchering (Mycol Res 104: 642-644).

IUMS Meeting in Istanbul in 2008 – The ICTF is expected to organize symposia at IUMS meetings. ICTF proposed a session for the 2005 meeting in San Francisco but never received a response from the organizers. Robert Samson offered to instigate a symposium on the taxonomy of economically important fungi for the Istanbul meeting, to be organized with other members of the ICTF.

General Meeting at IMC7, Oslo, Norway

International Commission on the Taxonomy of Fungi

General Meeting

International Mycological Congress, Oslo, Norway, 14 August 2002


Regular members:

Keith Seifert (acting chair)
David Hawksworth (past chair)
Paul Cannon
Pedro Crous
David Hibbett
Peter Johnston
Gen Okada
Amy Rossman
Mike Wingfield

Ex-officio members:

Christian Kubicek (Chair, International Subcommission on Trichoderma).
Rob Samson (Chair, International Commission on Penicillium and Aspergillus (ICPA)).


The meeting started at 2:07 PM.

The membership was discussed and the newly proposed members were voted into office.

David Hawksworth presented a brief history of the ICTF and some of the past accomplishments. The International Commission on Penicillium and Aspergillus has been the most active subcommission over the past eight years and has organized several successful workshops using seed funds from the International Union of Microbiological Societies (IUMS). The workshops have resulted in several publications that have helped to unify the field. In addition, the International Code of Biological Nomenclature was circulated but is now considered moribund.

Keith Seifert mentioned that a conference symposium was organized by ICTF at the Jerusalem IMC6, but because of the many cancellations at that congress, it is unclear how successful that symposium had been. He also noted that during his previous tenure with ICTF, Paul Cannon had written a series of three articles on name changes in fungi of economic importance (e.g. Microbiological Sciences 3: 168-171, 1986 and Mycopathologia 111: 75‑83, 1990).

Rob Samson discussed the relationship of IUMS and International Mycological Association (IMA). Rob is currently the Chair of the Division of Mycology for the IUMS under which the ICTF is considered a COMCOF. Thus, the ICTF is affiliated with both major mycological organizations. The ICTF is required to provide an annual report to IUMS, but currently has no reporting responsibility to the IMA. Keith Seifert promised to contact the new president of the IMA to introduce the commission, and to attempt to strengthen this relationship. He described several of the COMCOFs of the IUMS Mycology Division, which included ICPA, the International Commission on Food Mycology, the International Commission on Yeasts, and the International Commission on Education in Mycology. The total IUMS budget is rather small, but there is now a possibility for ICTF to apply for seed money from the Mycology Division or the IUMS to organize sessions or symposia.

The purpose of the ICTF was discussed as stated in the statutes and was suggested to include promoting good taxonomic practices such as depositing voucher strains. The need for better communication was recognized. It was suggested that articles be written for the newsletters of the major mycological societies and that a Web site be established through both the IUMS and the IMA. In addition it was suggested that the ICTF increases the groups of fungi represented because the group has an ascomycete orientation at present, that the geographic representation be broadened, and that more molecular representation would be useful.

The current statutes of the ICTF were reviewed and the following changes were proposed:

  1. Under #3, it was suggested that the membership should be allowed to exceed 10 persons.
  2. Under #2 & #8, it was suggested that the two articles should be united.
  3. Under #5, it was suggested that a Past Chair position be created. This passed unanimously. In addition it was proposed that following the phrase “arrange a ballot” be added “via email” and that “within four calendar months” be deleted and replaced with “within thirty days via email”. This passed unanimously.

In discussing activities for the ICTF, Rob Samson suggested that there is a need for training workshops in systematics research. The group came up with such ideas as a workshop on molecular phylogeny that would include basic training in molecular systematics; a workshop on botanical nomenclature including such topics as the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature, higher taxon classification and anamorph-teleomorph classification; and a workshop on handling fungi. These workshops could result in handbooks with protocols that are useful to non-mycologists who work with fungi. The IUMS will be meeting in San Francisco in 2005 while the next IMA meeting is in 2006 in Cairns, Australia. Workshops could be organized for those meetings as well as stand-alone workshops, with the possibility of presenting workshops at non-mycological meetings.

The Subcommissions on specific groups of fungi were discussed. The ICPA was very successful as mentioned above. The other subcommissions such as the one on Fusarium have held sessions and workshops at various meetings as well as developing a database of Fusarium names. The subcommission on Trichoderma was active for a while, especially in developing collaborative research studies. Additional subcommissions were proposed including one on Diaporthe-Phomopsis (Rossman), Mycosphaerella and its anamorphs (Cercospora, Cladosporium, Septoria, etc.) (Crous & Okada), and Colletotrichum (Cannon). The possibility of stimulating the formation of a subcommission on Cryptococcus was mentioned, and well as possible interaction with the Rhizoctonia-subject matter committee of the International Society of Plant Pathology (http://plymouth.ces.state.nc.us/irc/). Some of the potential activities of the subcommissions include coordination of the use of cultures in research and validation of the identification of cultures in culture collections.

Keith Seifert was elected Chair of the ICTF and Gen Okada was elected Secretary.

The Website is: www.iums.org under mycology, COMCOFS.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:55 PM.

Minutes taken by Amy Rossman, edited by Keith Seifert and Gen Okada.

ICTF Members Meeting – February 9, 2024

ICTF meeting 2024

Meeting Agenda

IMC workshops & symposia


Tuesday, August 13, 2024, 08:00 – 09:30 (90 min), Hall 3

Possible participants (schedule to come)

  • introduction and background – Cathie Aime
  • How to avoid most common pitfalls and stay in compliance with the Code – Tom May
  • Dealing with specimen data and the extended specimen concept – Andy Miller
  • Name registration and an overview on identifiers – Konstanze Bensch
  • Best practices to submit data to the public sequence databases -Conrad Schoch
  • Tatiana Gibertoni
  • Marco Thines


Wednesday, August 14, 2024, 10:30 – 12:30 (120 min)

Chairs: Mary Catherine Aime, USA Conrad Schoch, USA

Four invited speakers (20 minutes each):

  • Oomycota (Marco Thines, confirmed
  • Single cell genomes (Tim James, confirmed)
  • Evolutionary history of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and genomic signatures of obligate symbiosis (Marisol Sanchez-Garcia, confirmed)

Working on fourth invitee

Will select Four more 10 minutes talks selected from abstracts


Monday, August 12, 2024, 16:00 – 18:00 (120 min)

Chairs: Marco Thines, Germany, Robert Lücking, Germany

  1. Background on current efforts
  2. Naming conventions
  3. Minimum standards – DNA markers vs DNA bulk samples & Data analyses


Chairs: Urmas Kõljalg, Estonia, Julia Pawlowska, Poland

Monday, August 12, 2024, 11:00 – 13:00 (120 min)

Need to clarify program and final speakers

Other issues arising: The Thiele et al. proposal at IBC suggest that sequence-typified names should only be published in certain journals. Suggested ICTF could discuss this for early recommendations?

Other actions at IMC

ICTF open session

Membership renewal

Actions to complete before IMC at next meeting in June

Working Groups conclude work and provide final report

Review subcomissions, IUMS Commissions

Shut down old website

Vote on updated Statutes

Clarify new members appointments and transition in executive

ICTF Members’ meeting minutes June 28, 2023

ICTF WG1 General purpose classification

Currently the NCBI taxonomy and other classifications available are being compared and evaluated in the light of recent phylogenetic and phylogenomic results. Once this is done, a first suggestion for an order-level classification of the fungi and fungus-like eukaryotes will be discussed by the group, starting from September. A manuscript draft should be ready for submission by the end of the year.

ICTF WG2 Lists of protected family and generic names
Convener: Nalin

There are still different opinions regarding scope
Compiled table of protected names from the code were circulated among the members
Compared the names against the proposed names of ‘protected’ in the publications in last decade
WG2 members concluded that it is not useful to prepare the list again and publish it as it is already in the appendix of the code.

Preparing accepted genera list and compiling Typification data
• Still under discussion
Validating invalid and illegitimate names
• Details to be provided
Planned outcomes and their tentative deadline
• Plan to submit the first paper on validated names this year
• Further discussion on preparing the list of accepted genera in specific groups such as fungal orders or families

ICTF WG3 Typification of older names
Convener: Konstanze

Draft and the intention of the paper discussed at group meeting in February
David, Danny and Konstanze met after the Westerdijk spring symposium in April and compiled a more structured draft after input from Amy and others
Work continues on examples and an introduction for the paper

ICTF WG4 Naming environmental sequences
Conveners: Marco & Robert

Paper on sequences as types published by Special-purpose Committee established by the Shenzhen IBC across all organisms doi: 10.1002/tax.12931
Work continue by SPC focused on Fungi, chaired by David Hiibbett and Carlos Zamora – opportunities to interact
Session for IMC 12 in The Netherlands, 2024
The possibility of using DOIs for designating taxa and all different kinds of information such as typification was discussed. It was concluded that DOIs might be a useful addition, but the matter needs further discussion.

ICTF WG5 Revising rules regarding living cultures as types
Convener: Andrey – Presenter Cobus

Potential manuscript is still “in progress”
Proposal of a concept at the last Westerdijk Spring Symposium
Presentation made at International Conference on Culture Collections

ICTF WG6 Data standards for genomes
Conveners: Conrad & Cai

Outline of a paper provided in February and updated version sent out on Monday
Paper must be close to submission by next meeting

Convener: Irina

ICTF website avaialble– www.fungaltaxonomy.info
Work still required to close old site

ICTF WG8 Revising Statutes
Convener: Tom

Draft comments on statutes in googledocs: https://docs.google.com/document/d/174lUoZC76bv23tsflkz5JKjwC1Csn5vuuW5GleATthQ/edit?usp=sharing
Vote planned on changes at next ICTF meeting or IMC12.
Group meeting to prepare final draft planned for September 6

Status of subcommissions

Updates to be provided annually
International Subcommission on Fusarium Taxonomy
After initial discussions with ICTF emails asking for updates were not followed up and this subcommission at ICTF should be concluded.

Kew updates on Index Fungorum, potential prize for young mycologists

Irina points out that the Index Fungorum needs more support for the years to come, currently it is mainly dependent on Paul Kirk to keep it up and running.

Promoting the citations of ABS and other permit numbers in mycological papers

This can be used to link data materials to permits, and look in detail at use.
While it was recognized that the topic is important, currently no WG will be constituted for this.
• IMC 2024 and items on other meetings
• Next meeting dates and other business


All fungal images used for the ICTF website are made by the Australian wildlife photographer Steve Axford who kindly permitted us to use his stunning works. Furthermore, Steve is willing to cooperate with fungal taxonomists seeking the identification of fungi he photographed.

steveaxford (smugmug.com)

Steve Axford https://steveaxford.smugmug.com/
Steve Axford Image credit: https://steveaxford.smugmug.com/

Fungal taxonomy and sequence-based nomenclature Lücking et al 2021 Nature Microbiology

Robert Lücking, M. Catherine Aime, Barbara Robbertse, Andrew N. Miller, Takayuki Aoki, Hiran A. Ariyawansa, Gianluigi Cardinali, Pedro W. Crous, Irina S. Druzhinina, David M. Geiser, David L. Hawksworth, Kevin D. Hyde, Laszlo Irinyi, Rajesh Jeewon, Peter R. Johnston, Paul M. Kirk, Elaine Malosso, Tom W. May, Wieland Meyer, Henrik R. Nilsson, Maarja Öpik, Vincent Robert, Marc Stadler, Marco Thines, Duong Vu, Andrey M. Yurkov, Ning Zhang & Conrad L. Schoch Fungal taxonomy and sequence-based nomenclature Nat Microbiol 6, 540–548 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41564-021-00888-x


The identification and proper naming of microfungi, in particular plant, animal and human pathogens, remains challenging. Molecular identification is becoming the default approach for many fungal groups, and environmental metabarcoding is contributing an increasing amount of sequence data documenting fungal diversity on a global scale. This includes lineages represented only by sequence data. At present, these taxa cannot be formally described under the current nomenclature rules. By considering approaches used in bacterial taxonomy, we propose solutions for the nomenclature of taxa known only from sequences to facilitate consistent reporting and communication in the literature and public sequence repositories.

How to publish a new fungal species, or name, version 3.0 Aime et al., 2021 IMA Fungus

M. Catherine Aime, Andrew N. Miller, Takayuki Aoki, Konstanze Bensch, Lei Cai, Pedro W. Crous, David L. Hawksworth, Kevin D. Hyde, Paul M. Kirk, Robert Lücking, Tom W. May, Elaine Malosso, Scott A. Redhead, Amy Y. Rossman, Marc Stadler, Marco Thines, Andrey M. Yurkov, Ning Zhang & Conrad L. Schoch How to publish a new fungal species, or name, version 3.0 IMA Fungus 12, 11 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1186/s43008-021-00063-1


It is now a decade since The International Commission on the Taxonomy of Fungi (ICTF) produced an overview of requirements and best practices for describing a new fungal species. In the meantime the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (ICNafp) has changed from its former name (the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature) and introduced new formal requirements for valid publication of species scientific names, including the separation of provisions specific to Fungi and organisms treated as fungi in a new Chapter F. Equally transformative have been changes in the data collection, data dissemination, and analytical tools available to mycologists. This paper provides an updated and expanded discussion of current publication requirements along with best practices for the description of new fungal species and publication of new names and for improving accessibility of their associated metadata that have developed over the last 10 years. Additionally, we provide: (1) model papers for different fungal groups and circumstances; (2) a checklist to simplify meeting (i) the requirements of the ICNafp to ensure the effective, valid and legitimate publication of names of new taxa, and (ii) minimally accepted standards for description; and, (3) templates for preparing standardized species descriptions.

Setting scientific names at all taxonomic ranks in italics facilitates their quick recognition in scientific papers Thines et al, 2020 IMA Fungus

Marco Thines, Takayuki Aoki, Pedro W. Crous, Kevin D. Hyde, Robert Lücking, Elaine Malosso, Tom W. May, Andrew N. Miller, Scott A. Redhead, Andrey M. Yurkov & David L. Hawksworth Setting scientific names at all taxonomic ranks in italics facilitates their quick recognition in scientific papers IMA Fungus 11, 25 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s43008-020-00048-6


It is common practice in scientific journals to print genus and species names in italics. This is not only historical as species names were traditionally derived from Greek or Latin. Importantly, it also facilitates the rapid recognition of genus and species names when skimming through manuscripts. However, names above the genus level are not always italicized, except in some journals which have adopted this practice for all scientific names. Since scientific names treated under the various Codes of nomenclature are without exception treated as Latin, there is no reason why names above genus level should be handled differently, particularly as higher taxon names are becoming increasingly relevant in systematic and evolutionary studies and their italicization would aid the unambiguous recognition of formal scientific names distinguishing them from colloquial names. Several leading mycological and botanical journals have already adopted italics for names of all taxa regardless of rank over recent decades, as is the practice in the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants, and we hereby recommend that this practice be taken up broadly in scientific journals and textbooks.

Unambiguous identification of fungi: where do we stand and how accurate and precise is fungal DNA barcoding? Lücking et al, 2020 IMA Fungus

Robert Lücking, M. Catherine Aime, Barbara Robbertse, Andrew N. Miller, Hiran A. Ariyawansa, Takayuki Aoki, Gianluigi Cardinali, Pedro W. Crous, Irina S. Druzhinina, David M. Geiser, David L. Hawksworth, Kevin D. Hyde, Laszlo Irinyi, Rajesh Jeewon, Peter R. Johnston, Paul M. Kirk, Elaine Malosso, Tom W. May, Wieland Meyer, Maarja Öpik, Vincent Robert, Marc Stadler, Marco Thines, Duong Vu, Andrey M. Yurkov, Ning Zhang & Conrad L. Schoch Unambiguous identification of fungi: where do we stand and how accurate and precise is fungal DNA barcoding? IMA Fungus 11, 14 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s43008-020-00033-z


True fungi (Fungi) and fungus-like organisms (e.g. Mycetozoa, Oomycota) constitute the second largest group of organisms based on global richness estimates, with around 3 million predicted species. Compared to plants and animals, fungi have simple body plans with often morphologically and ecologically obscure structures. This poses challenges for accurate and precise identifications. Here we provide a conceptual framework for the identification of fungi, encouraging the approach of integrative (polyphasic) taxonomy for species delimitation, i.e. the combination of genealogy (phylogeny), phenotype (including autecology), and reproductive biology (when feasible). This allows objective evaluation of diagnostic characters, either phenotypic or molecular or both. Verification of identifications is crucial but often neglected. Because of clade-specific evolutionary histories, there is currently no single tool for the identification of fungi, although DNA barcoding using the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) remains a first diagnosis, particularly in metabarcoding studies. Secondary DNA barcodes are increasingly implemented for groups where ITS does not provide sufficient precision. Issues of pairwise sequence similarity-based identifications and OTU clustering are discussed, and multiple sequence alignment-based phylogenetic approaches with subsequent verification are recommended as more accurate alternatives. In metabarcoding approaches, the trade-off between speed and accuracy and precision of molecular identifications must be carefully considered. Intragenomic variation of the ITS and other barcoding markers should be properly documented, as phylotype diversity is not necessarily a proxy of species richness. Important strategies to improve molecular identification of fungi are: (1) broadly document intraspecific and intragenomic variation of barcoding markers; (2) substantially expand sequence repositories, focusing on undersampled clades and missing taxa; (3) improve curation of sequence labels in primary repositories and substantially increase the number of sequences based on verified material; (4) link sequence data to digital information of voucher specimens including imagery. In parallel, technological improvements to genome sequencing offer promising alternatives to DNA barcoding in the future. Despite the prevalence of DNA-based fungal taxonomy, phenotype-based approaches remain an important strategy to catalog the global diversity of fungi and establish initial species hypotheses.